Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Chameleon's adaptations

By: Joyce Advincula

Picture- This is a picture of a chameleon using it's adaptations to survive in its environment.

Summary- The chameleon has many adaptations to live in its environment. I found the most interesting adaptation to be is that the color of their skin changes. Most of the time it changes when it is frightened, when the climate changes and when the light changes. Another adaptation is that their eyes are independent. this means that they can move in any direction and this helps them detect nearby predators. Also, the chameleon's tongue is incredibly fast. The human eye can hardly see it. The tip of it is very sticky so it is easier to catch prey because they are not very fast. When another male chameleon meets up with a male chameleon, they blow up to a greater size. Chameleon's only like females in their territory. The last adaption is that their long tail acts like another arm. It helps the chameleon balance on very small branches. As you can see, the chameleon's adaptations help it live in their environment.

Opinion/Reflection- I found this article really cool and interesting. I find it interesting how their skin color changes. I have never heard of this before and I was surprised when i heard this. Learning about animals and their adaptations is really cool and the chameleon seems to have the most interesting ones. I am really glad I got to learn about the chameleon and how it's unique characteristics help it survive in the wild.


1. What adaptation did you find the most interesting and why?
2. How have humans adapted to where they live?
3. Can you name another species and name a few of its adaptations?

Monday, February 27, 2012

Endangered Species-Corey Milewski

Endangered Species-

Picture: This is a Giant Panda. It is the rarest of the bear family and is endangered. 

Summary: Giant Panda's are loved universally but their future does not look good. The Giant Panda lives in China and as there economy grows the Panda's habitat is affected.   They are building roads and railroads through their habitats. The building of roads and railroads also fragments their habitat. The Giant Panda is also being poached like many other animals. The Chinese Government then made over 55 Panda reserves which helped protect more then 60 percent of the Panda's. It protected over 2.5 million acres of land. It is critical to protect the Panda's because it helps with biodiversity conservation. In 2004 there was less then 1,600 Panda's in the wild. Foundations like the WWF are working to increase the habitats, creating corridors to link isolated panda's, patrolling against poaching, and are continuing to monitor the Panda's. 

Opinion/Reflection: I don't think people realize what they are doing by putting in railroads and roads. It is destroying their habitat causing them to be endangered. Also it is crazy that people are poaching these animals. I personally think they are very cute and its hard to believe that people are killing them. I think it is great what the chinese government and the WWF are doing to protect them. I hope to see an increase in population of the Panda in years to come!

1- Do you think enough is being done for the Panda's? Why? 
2- Is there something you can do to help endangered species?
3- How do you feel about animals being poached? Explain. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Exotic Species-Jen Cader

Exotic Species

Picture: This is a picture of a Sea Lamprey. It is one of the known exotic species living in marine areas. It is a parasitic lamprey found on Atlantic coasts of Europe and North America, in the western Mediterranean Sea, and in the Great Lakes.
Summary: One of the main causes of biodiversity loss in aquatic ecosystems is the introduction of many exotic species. You may ask what “exotic species” are. Exotic species are non-native plant or animal deliberately or accidentally introduced into a new habitat. These species are introduced into freshwater areas by the release of pet fish or foreign species.  They were used for entertainment in aquariums or education. When they are introduced into marine areas, they are introduced by the means of transplanting or commercial shipping. Although exotic species may be interesting, they could possibly leave a negative impact on the ecosystem, economy, and human health. Releasing exotic species into areas may lead to competition between other animals, change of predation, disease, habitat destruction, and even extinction. Approximately 68% of fish species lost in North America over the last century were caused by an invasion of exotic species (Miller et. al, 1989).  Overall exotic species have large effects on their ecosystem. These effects are both bad and good, but without them, the ecosystem would be completely different.

Opinion/Reflection: I think that exotic species are very interesting looking, and I think they would be cool to see in person. The part that surprised me in this article is the amount of fish species that were extinct were because of the invasion of exotic species. In class we are learning about biodiversity and how exotic species impact ecosystems. The topic is very interesting to me. I personally think that exotic species are necessary and important to an ecosystem because without them, the entire ecosystem will be altered.
1.      Do you think exotic species are bad or good to an ecosystem?
2.      Why do you think exotic species are important to humans?
3.      If exotic species are so important, why don’t you think we hear more about them?
4.      How many exotic species do you think are out there today that we don’t know about? Why?