Tuesday, May 22, 2012

U.S. Caps Emissions in Drilling for Fuel

By: John M. Broder

Picture:  This picture shows the procedure of fracking.  They shoot chemicals and water into the ground causing mini earthquakes and the earthquakes bring up natural gas.

Summary:  Fracking has been a controversial topic for awhile due to the environmental concerns it raises.  The process of fracking releases toxic and cancer-causing chemicals like benzene and hexane, as well as methane, a powerful greenhouse gas.  But the EPA is doing something to help prevent this air pollution.  They issued new air quality standards which the oil and gas companies will have to capture toxic and climate-altering gases from wells, storage sites and pipelines.  The reason they took action is because they received complaints from citizens and environmental groups that gases escaping from the 13,000 wells drilled each year by fracking were causing health problems and widespread air pollution.  The new rule will reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds by 190,000 to 290,000 tons per year and toxic air pollutants by 12,000 to 20,000 tons a year.  But this new rule is also beneficial for the fracking companies because they will be able to save $11 million to $19 million a year because drillers would be able to capture and sell the methane that is now burned off, or flared.  Methane is a very bad gas which has 20 times more powerful effects on the atmosphere than Carbon Dioxide does.  The EPA estimates that by capturing the methane they will reduce green house gas emissions by 28 million to 44 million tons a year, making the rule one of the federal government’s largest measures to mitigate climate change. 

Opinion/Reflection:  I am very happy that they are doing this and this is a step toward helping our planet.  It is so crazy that this one rule can have such a big affect and that it can do so much good.  By being able to reduce emissions by 190,000 to 290,000 tons per year is so amazing and is truly a big achievement.  Also that it is also saving the fracking companies lots of money makes it a win, win situation, it helps the environment while still letting the companies prosper.  I can connect this to my science class.  We learned about all the harmful effects of fracking and how it can damage the earth.  It really affects peoples’ water supplies where the fracking takes place.  It contaminates their water and makes it undrinkable which is extremely bad.  I am so glad that they took care of the air pollution now I just hope they will solve the problem of it contaminating water supplies.

1.Do you think fracking is a good or bad idea? Why?

2.  Do you think this rule will make an impact on global warming? Why?

3.  If you were able to ban fracking would you ban it or not? Why?

4.  Do you think fracking will hurt us in the long run?  Why?


  1. Opinion/Reflection:
    This is a topic we recently learned in our science class so we know a lot of information about this method of obtaining oil. I'm glad there is now a way to prevent the air pollution from fracking. It's better to be safe than sorry because nobody would want to have cancer. We really need to thank the citizens who complained and stepped up because they are in a way saving many lives. I agree with Ryan when he said that the number of air pollution that will be decreased is a major accomplishment. I can't see any downsides to this. Everyone will be benefited from the new air quality standards.

    Answer to #1:
    I believe that tracking is definitely a good idea. It just has its disadvantages that go along with it. However, this new issued air quality standards are making it more of a good idea. Since it can now help us and help save money it helped to change my view. Overall, I believe it is a good idea.

  2. Opinion: I think it is great that they are doing something about it. If I lived near one of these wells I would be very upset. I would not want my air quality to be harmful to my body. I am always outside so it would be very harmful to me. Also the pollution is in the water supply. Water is essential to life and if it is contaminated that is extremely bad. I can connect this topic to our science class. We have learned a lot about fracking and we even wrote an essay on it. I do not like the process of fracking so I am happy to see people doing something to make it more safe.

    Answer to number 2: I think the new rule will indeed help global warming. As it says in the article that methane is being released into the atmosphere. Methane is much worse than carbon dioxide. So I believe that the new rule will do a lot to halp global warming.

  3. Opinion/Reflection: This article really interested me. The fact that we learned about it in class, and people such as the EPA are debating it is so cool! In class we learned that fracking was used to obtain natural gas from under the earth's crust, but it had many environmental impacts. I am glad that there is now a way to prevent the air pollution that occurs during the process of fracking. I agree with Ryan when he says that being able to reduce emissions by 190,000 to 290,000 tons per year is truly a great thing that will allow many people to live near these fracking sites. This is a win-win situation because the fracking companies also get to save $11 million to $19 million per year by passing this rule. I hope this is just the start to trying to help the environment and the people living on earth, and people start making even bigger steps to helping earth. The process of fracking can be a good thing and a bad thing. It is good that the EPA is finally realizing the dangers of fracking because as we learned in science, it causes harm to many individuals living in the area.

    Expansion: As I talked about in my opinion, fracking can be a good thing and a bad thing. Below is a link to lists and examples of pros and cons of fracking. This is a very interesting website because it gives me an idea of what exactly fracking is.

    More Questions:
    1.)What would you do to make fracking more environmentally friendly?
    2.)Do you think the EPA did the right thing when it comes to fracking?
    3.)If you worked for a fracking company, how would you feel?

  4. Opinion/Reflection: I am very happy to hear that the they made this rule. In class, we learned about the affects of hydraulic fracturing and it made me realize that it is having a very bad affect on the environment. I was very surprised to hear that this rule will reduce emission by 190,000 to 290,000 tons per year. That is a lot that would be going into the air. In addition, it is saving the fracking companies millions of dollars. Like Corey said, if i lived near one of these wells I would be upset it's really cool that they came up with this rule. Hopefully this rule will continue to be in affect for a long time because this process is ruining the planet.

    Answer to question 1: I believe what is coming out of fracking is good but not the process. Earlier this semester in class we had to write an essay on this topic and it made me realize what is going on. It is ruining water supply, putting toxic chemicals into the atmosphere and is killing things. The Earth needs natural gas but they need to find a more efficient and safe way to obtain it.
